Thursday, July 26, 2018

Introduction of two new features to the Interface: Locked Mode and Get Link to Molecule

Release 2.9.2

This release introduces two new, relatively minor Interface features: edit locked mode and get link to molecule functionality.

The edit locked mode will allow the user to view and inspect the created molecule without being concerned about inadvertently modifying it. I anticipate that this will be useful for larger, more complex molecules where the user might wish to pan and zoom in on a particular part of the molecule. In particular the user can drag the view of the molecule on the screen without worrying about clicking an atom to alter stereochemistry or a bond to change the bond type. I also anticipate this will be useful eventually on a mobile interface that does not support a hover event; the user can click on an atom to inspect it without modifying it.

The get link to molecule button is straightforward. Clicking on the button will copy a link to the current molecule to the operating system clipboard.

Controls - Use of the lock/unlock icon in the workspace toolbar will allow the user to toggle between edit locked mode and edit unlocked mode. Simply clicking the share icon in the molecule properties panel (next to the PubChem and Google search icons) will copy a link to the molecule.

Future Considerations - The link feature will likely be expanded to also allow the user to quickly get a link to a reaction pathway calculation.


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